This Week's Missionary Letter

Note: All letters best seen on a computer rather than a cellphone.


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JEWISH MINISTRY: Hope of Israel Baptist Mission

Dr. K. Daniel & Rebecca Fried


(Due to security reasons, Dr. Fried has requested that no prayer letters be posted for this ministry.)

Click here to go their website: Hope of






We trust this letter finds you all doing great together with your families and ministry. Nancy and I take this opportunity to thank God for being a faithful God and for blessing His work. We also thank Him for giving us good health and also for giving us souls to reach with gospel and to disciple others. We also want to thank you people for standing with us all through without getting tired. May God bless you for the part you play in our ministry. Thank you for praying for us and supporting us.

The long rain has gone down a little although it has left a lot of damage and some people have died and others have been left homeless. I have some of my relatives who have been very much affected and have been living in temporary shelters. The government and other community social groups are doing all they can to see that these people are settled back. People have been coming together to raise funds to help including Christians to give them real hope that is found only in Jesus Christ.

Last year we identified a new location for church plant in a rural area and we rented a place for people to meet for worship. This is something that God has blessed in a big way. We started raising funds to buy a piece of land. By the beginning of this June we had raised $2000 which was a milestone. We talked to a guy who agreed to sell to us a piece of land for $3000.We have asked him to hold it for us until end of July, which he is willing to do. We are humbly requesting friends and churches to help us raise $1000 to help us secure this small piece of land on which to put a church sanctuary. If this goes through then we will be able to put up a temporary structure and stop renting. It’s not easy to get property for a church, and most churches that don’t have land don’t have a future. Our prayer is by August to done with the land issue and then by end of this year we will have the temporary sanctuary ready. We ask you to pray with us that this may go through. Whatever amount the Lord leads you to give, send it through the mission’s office and will be appreciated.

In April we had a two-day conference for men and was a great time of preaching, teaching and fellowship. Due to scarcity of resources they were coming in the morning and go home in the evening. We only had one meal day (lunch). We covered, GOD’S PLAN FOR HIS CHURCHES, GRACE FOR GIVING, ETHICS AND MINISTRY INTEGRITY, TRUSTING GOD FOR YOUR MARRIAGE. At the end of conference some pastors threw a challenge to me about the possibility of starting a Bible Institute in our area and we said we pray about it. May you also pray about this matter because I think for such a thing to happen we will have to partner with a church that has a school over there. For me this is positive development and if God wants us to do it for His glory it will happen in His time.

Thank you all, we love you, Samuel Kabiru